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微机滚动摩擦磨损试验机产品优势: (1)试验完毕后,可以随意设定并获取:某时间段内的试验数据 (2)曲线显示:时间—温度、时间—摩擦系数、温度—摩擦系数、转速—温度等 (3)可以设定采集频率,按照设定的采集频率获取试验数据并导出到EXCEL (4)可以把试验数据和试验曲线导出电子版,使试验数据与试验曲线结合,便于存档和打印 (5)仪器传动机构由步进电极升级为交流伺服电机,转速精密可调,更加稳定可靠,转矩大,噪音小 (6)设置有封闭式砝码加载装置和摩擦试验更加安全可靠,透明视窗可观察摩擦状态 (7)转速可调,可自由设置试验速度 (8)打印报告参数可选,可以根据需要自行选择要打印的实验参数 (9)10N.M量程传感器与精密伺服电机配合,可以实现大负荷试验需求 (10)外观采用人工学曲线设计,外形美观,简洁大方 (11)新增加实时温度采集功能,可以满足在不同摩擦温度下的试验数据 (12)配有油液槽,可以在油液里进行测试


技术参数Technical parameters:  M-200

1、试样尺寸: 30mm×7mm×6mm; sample size: 30mm x 7mm x 6mm;

2、转动速度rotation speed: ≤200 转/分(可调adjustable);

3、负荷load: (20KG)196N ± 0.1%,可增至(40KG)392N;

4、摩擦环尺寸:≥¢40×10mm ,倒角≥0.5×45°,外圆表面与内圆同心度偏差≤0.01;the size of the friction ring is greater than or equal to 40 x 10mm, the chamfering is equal to 0.5 x 45 degrees, and the concentricity deviation between the outer surface and the inner circle is less than 0.01.

5、摩擦环材质:45 号钢;friction ring material: No. 45 steel;

6、摩擦力矩: 0—4N.m;friction torque: 0 - 4N.m;

7、砝码重量:4KG 砝码十件,1KG 砝码十件,可实现重量叠加功能;weight weight: 4KG weight ten, 1KG weight ten, can achieve weight superposition function.

8、精度:速度精度≤1%;负荷精度≤0.5%;摩擦力矩精度≤1%;计数器精度≤1S;传感器测量精度≤1%F。accuracy: speed accuracy is less than 1%; load accuracy is less than 0.5%; friction torque accuracy is less than 1%; counter accuracy is less than 1S; sensor measurement accuracy is less than 1%F.


试验主机一台;Test host one;

高精度扭矩传感器一只;High precision torque sensor one;

计算机数据采集卡一块;A piece of computer data acquisition card;

计算机控制系统一套;A set of computer control systems;

标准摩擦环二件;Two standard friction rings;

使用说明书一份;One copy of the instructions;

产品合格证一份;A copy of the product certificate;

产品装箱单一份。A single copy of the packing of the products



试验设备test equipment

1、传动系统,用来带动圆环以给定的转速旋转,精确到5%以内,并要求圆环安装部位轴的径向跳动小于0.01毫米。1. The transmission system is used to drive the ring to rotate at a given speed, accurate to within 5%, and the radial runout of the shaft at the installation position of the ring is required to be less than 0.01mm.


2、加载系统,对试样和圆环,可施加法向力,精确到5%以内。2. Loading system, for the sample and the ring, the additional force can be applied, accurate to within 5%.

3、测定和记录摩擦力矩系统,精确到5%以内。3. Measure and record the friction torque system to within 5%.

4、记录圆环转数的计数器或记时器,精确到1%以内。4. A counter or chronograph for recording the revolution of a ring, with an accuracy of less than 1%.

5、试样夹具结构和尺寸见图2,并附配垫圈 4 GB 848-76,沉头螺钉M3×0.35长10毫米。要保证试样安置后无轴向窜动。5. See Fig. 2 for the structure and dimension of the sample clamp, with washer 4 GB 848-76, countersunk screw m3 × 0.35 with length of 10 mm. Ensure that there is no axial movement after the sample is placed.

注:试验设备本标准推荐采用M-200型磨损试验机。Note: M-200 wear testing machine is recommended in this standard.

6、本试验中圆环的材质对塑料磨损试验结果影响很大,因此本标准采用的圆环,其外形尺寸见图3。6. The material of the ring in this test has a great influence on the plastic wear test results. Therefore, the ring adopted in this standard has the dimensions shown in Figure 3.

材料为45号钢,圆环要求整体淬火,热处理HRC 40~45,外圆表面光洁度▽8,倒角处均为0.5×45度,外圆表面与内圆同心度偏差小于0.01.The material is 45 steel, the ring is required to be quenched as a whole, the heat treatment is HRC 40-45, the surface finish of the outer circle is ▽ 8, the chamfering is 0.5 × 45 degree, and the concentricity deviation between the outer circle surface and the inner circle is less than 0.01.

    圆环可以反复使用,每次试验后,需重新磨削。当外径小于36毫米就不能再用。作仲裁试验时必须用直径40毫米的圆环。The ring can be used repeatedly. After each test, it needs to be grinded again. When the outer diameter is less than 36 mm, it can not be reused. A ring with a diameter of 40 mm must be used for the arbitration test.

注:圆环材质也可按产品标准另定。Note: the ring material can also be determined according to the product standard.

适用范围及功能 符合标准:GB/ T 3960-2017 塑料滑动摩擦磨损试验方法 GB/T 9141.8-1999 柔性石墨板材滑动摩擦系数测试方法 适用于塑料制品、橡胶制品、石墨板材或其他复合材料的滑动摩擦,磨损性能测试,也可对试验中试样的磨擦力、磨擦系数和磨损量进行测定。 本仪器融合了当前的智能电路系统进行控制,并结合老式M-200摩擦磨损试验机的功能进行升级改造而成,本仪器具有测控精度高,操作便捷等优势,是科研院所、质检机构、实验室研究的试验设备。 M-200型摩擦磨损试验机主要由试验主机及智能控制系统两大部分构成,通过微机控制系统进行操作试验,在试验过程中同时可以显示数值、扭矩、时间曲线,并可以随意设定试验次数,显示当前试验数值,设定时间及当前试验时间等多种功能,随机配备彩色打印机,可以打印出带有曲线、表格数据等标准要求的试验报告。




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